Kerosene Kit
Quantity | Kit |

Paraffin-based thermotherapy is a very natural treatment that moisturizes the deep layers of the skin helping to hydrate, nourish and rejuvenate it. This extra hydration process occurs because kerosene creates an occlusive effect so that the skin's moisture does not evaporate and is deposited in the deeper layers of the skin, preventing transepidermal dehydration.
- 1 3 kg Paraffin Melter
- 3 kg of Paraffin Orange - Peach (6 trays of 500 g)
- 1 Moisturizing lotion 125 ml
- 1 Cleansing mousse 200 ml
- 1 Volcanic scrub 200 ml
- 2 terry mittens
- 2 terry feet
- 100 Plastic bags
Exfoliate. Deep moisturizing. Regenerate the superficial layers of the skin.

Apply Mousse Cleanser to the area to be treated with a gentle massage. Remove. Gently massage the mechanical exfoliation of the skin with the Volcanic Scrub. In the hot kerosene in our melter, dip the area to be treated 4 to 5 times until a kerosene glove is formed. Proceed to wrap the areas to be treated with the plastic bag and the mittens or curl feet. Leave on for 15-20 minutes. Remove in the form of a glove. Wipe off any remaining product and finish by massaging in the Moisturizing Lotion.