10 May, 2022
Two treatments in one
Spring arrives and it is very important to take into account the depilatory treatment so that when the time comes to wear the exposed areas, the hair is weakened and takes longer to appear.
Besides Starpil proposes in its protocols two objectives: on the one hand remove 100 % of the hair in unwanted areas, always taking into account an excellent application technique and on the other hand treat the skin using our waxes and our Pre and post depilatory cosmetics As a true beauty treatment for the skin since depilatory waxes perform a soft perfect mechanical exfoliation to keep healthy and pretty skin. Ideal to receive summer.
Undoubtedly, using depilatory waxes, whether they are low fusion as a roll on system, weakens notoriously hair and retard their growth. The ideal is to remove the hair in a given phase of its growth, since when the hair is active, bone in its anagena phase, the mechanical traction that is done for its extraction weakens the cells that give rise to the birth of a new hair . In this way, if we begin to visit our aestheticist a few months in advance, when summer arrives the hair will look weaker since the cells that give rise to it will have weakened.
For this reason, in our protocols, in addition to always starting with the application of our Prepile gel, We emphasize the application, after treatment, moisturizing and regenerating cosmetics, to take advantage of the mechanical exfoliation we have made with our waxes and thus we really also treat the skin. Perfect treatment to receive summer.
Tip: We advise our client to for three days, after the session, apply moisturizing cosmetics in the areas where we have applied waxes.
Ana Laura Vazquez, Director of Training of Starpil